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Saturday, September 5, 2015

I Wish Karma had a Facebook Page

I have never been one of those people that could lie to your face and get away with it. I apparently have what is known as a glass face. Ask anyone that knows me well and they will tell you they know exactly what I am thinking simply by looking at my face.

Playing poker? Doesn't work very well for me. I an unable to mask my emotions well enough to bluff. The entire table knows what type of hand I have no matter how hard I try to keep a 'neutral' expression.

As for telling a lie, not only my face gives me away but I also flush a lovely shade of red and I stumble over my words.

When I was a kid, I was always the weakest link. Regarding the neighbor's broken window during a kickball game:
"Some big kid took the ball and threw it through the window and ran away" "No, we never saw him before"  "A baseball came out of nowhere and went right through the window" "A leprechaun ran out from the bushes and punched a hole in the window" "God made lightening come down and strike the window"  "It was like that when we got here."  Well, you get the idea... AND All told with a straight face and innocent eyes.

Then there was me, cowering in the background, head down (because my face was already red) and the 'adult' asks me what happened. "Ummm, there was this ball and a kid and lightening... and..." The 'adult' says, "Are you telling me the truth?"  ME: "We were playing kickball and second base was at the window and I was running and Brad threw the ball at me and it hit the window and broke it."
Immediate LOSER status with the neighborhood kids.

My skills have not improved much with age. That is why it just blows my mind that certain people can lie their asses off and #1-get away with it and #2-live with themselves afterward. And I'm not talking that little white lie you tell someone.. like Oh, your hair looks great. I'm talking a lie of epic proportion---one that will impact someone's life or livelihood or damage their character.

Even if I was the type of person to tell believable lies, I still don't think I would. My upbringing lurks in the background and I will always hear my Dad's voice telling me, if you are lying it will be twice as bad for you when the truth comes out. And the truth does come out--eventually. And also because of my sense of right and wrong, ingrained in me all during my childhood.

I also have to believe that someday, Karma will sort through this stuff and people will get what they deserve.

I sometimes wish Karma had a Facebook page and posted pictures and updates of all the wrongs it righted.

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