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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Movin' Out

The title to my post is actually a reference to the Billy Joel song, Movin' Out (Anthony's Jilly's Song)!  Yes, folks, the time has come to say fair's fair.. err No, no, the time has come to leave Hooterville in my rearview mirror and head south to my little piece of paradise near the Gulf of Mexico!

It's the last step in my years-long plan to make my home in Florida!

If you want to refresh your memory regarding my journey, below are links to the previous blog posts:
Turn the Page

So, it's been awhile

Time for a Cool Change

I put my notice it at work and my last day is July 27th. I am beyond thrilled. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. My dream is coming true! 

That's all for now!

Gypsy Jilly

PS: I will tell you that there is a trip in the works for 2019 and it's a 'biggie'. I can't wait to tell you about that!  Soon! I promise.