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Friday, November 11, 2016

The Latest Ramblings

Well, it's been almost 2 weeks since my last post. And do I have all the packing finished as planned? Ummmm, hell no. I probably should really be in a panic now, but I'm not. I think that will set in next week when I realize movers will be here on Saturday.

I have lined up a couple of people to help me lug boxes over to my new place. I get the key on Tuesday. And the ReStore folks will be here that day as well to pick up the furniture and some other household items I won't be moving to the new place.

That will be sort of bittersweet. I have this love seat in my family room that I've owned for 32 years now. YES, it's that old. But it is in wonderful condition. It's a beautiful, colorful cotton fabric that has worn like iron all these years. It's really deep and cushy and wonderful for curling up with a good book. It had a matching sofa but I got rid of that earlier this year. (I almost cried when I saw it leaving)

Anyway, I was planning on taking it with me and putting it in the second bedroom I am using as an office/pottery making room. But then my mind started being logical and I realized I should instead take the twin mattress and get a day bed frame for it--just in case I ever host a sleep-over. Sometimes I hate logic. Actually, I did take pictures of it looking all comfy and I can view them on my phone anytime... but it won't be the same. It's also included in many family photos over the years, but I will still really miss it.

You know, I may be slightly crazy for missing an inanimate object. Maybe I should seek therapy. I would probably find out an even crazier reason I am attached to it. Nah, I'm not going to dwell on that!

So, back to this move that is consuming most of my spare time. I did put all the photo albums in large storage bins. My gosh! I have a TON of them. There must be tens of thousands of photos. A new goal of mine is to scan them and then store them on a zip drive. I have a great new printer and it does have a scanner but I am thinking of investing in a scanner that is more suited for photo scanning.

I've done a bunch of research---first on companies that will scan photos for you. Ummm, yeah, I don't think so. I calculated the cost with various companies on a conservative estimate of the number of photos I have, and it was well over 1K. So, hence the research into purchasing a scanner of my own. I found one for less than $200. This will be a winter project, I think.

OMG I sometimes read this horoscope site that has monthly horoscopes. Well, I just read November and it could not be more apropos to the month I've had. Here is part of the summary:

November is packed with opportunity, all of it exciting. First, watch for offers that come up in your career during November’s first two weeks. The beautiful new moon of October 30 will still be influencing you as you enter the month, and this is absolutely your best time of 2016 to investigate what else life holds for you professionally. If you are self-employed, you can give yourself a promotion by landing a new prestigious client or by getting positive publicity that becomes the talk of the industry. In terms of career, you are golden, having paid your dues in your career from October 2012 to December 2015. You learned a great deal during this phase and proved your mettle through a series of cosmic tests. Now, this month, you can reap the benefits.
This month’s full moon November 14 will bring a conclusion to a home living or family matter. You may move, sign a lease, buy or sell property, see a renovation completed, choose a roommate, or announce a decision about another important home-related matter. If you are helping an elderly family member with various tasks or decisions, you will find a course of action that will please you and your parent.
If you've been following along, you will remember I was just hired at the company where I was a contractor and that came with a terrific salary increase! And did I not pay my dues for the past couple of years and pass all sorts of cosmic tests??   Uh huh, been there, done that.

Of course, if the rest of my horoscope is right, Look out!  Sexy and Attractive Aura heading my way!  LOL Honestly, I've not noticed anything yet--maybe I need new hair color or something. I'll keep you posted.

One of the happiest developments of the month will be Mars’ entry into Aquarius, set to bring you energy, courage, optimism, and drive from November 8 to December 19. You will have greater control over events without having to make many compromises, and you will have the perfect time to launch new ventures and start new relationships. Mars will also make your aura more sexy and attractive, and you’ll have to handle the fuss! 

Speaking of hair color, I really want some of those gorgeous colorful highlights like these.Although maybe not quite so dramatic--more subtle. Let's see what happens next week!
Image result for multi color highlights
Image result for multi color highlights

I guess I should get to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow. UGH I hate setting an alarm on the weekend.