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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pre-Trip Packing

I decided to do a pre-trip pack to see how realistic my packing list is. And we are a GO! Everything I plan on taking, fits perfectly into one of three items.

1. My bangin' new suitcase!!!! I certainly hope no one else has one like it! I bought it for myself in January as a birthday present It's a hard side, but very light weight. And the best thing, it opens in the middle and each side has a zippered covering.  This will contain a snorkel mask, snorkel and flippers as well as all my 'dressier' clothes for dinners on the ship and some shorts and t-shirts. Most of my toiletries, sunscreen etc... and also, 2 bathing suits, 2 pairs of shoes, flip flops and 'foundation garments' !!!
2. This little beauty will be my large purse-like carry-on. Surprisingly, this held the following:
Comfy clothes to change to at LAX for overnight flight, 2 pairs of shorts, 4 t-shirts, 1 nice outfit, 1 bathing suit, 1 pair of jeans, 2 changes of underwear, a pair of socks, a small cross body purse, my self-inflating travel cushion and pillow, a pashmina (in case I am ever cold), medications and a few other things I can't think of.

This is my "in case they lose my big suitcase' contingency plan!

3. The final item is a backpack--sorry no picture.. you will have to imagine. I will tell you, it's purple. Surprise huh?
Just a regular backpack and it will be storing all my electronic paraphernalia; a charger, my new Camera!!, 2 Kindles (original for outside reading, Fire for inside or movies), a phone, a laptop (So I can keep my many followers (HA) up to date on my adventures) and a bunch of 'cordage' for the various items.

So there you have it. Packing plan approved and ready for implementation!
God I love organization!   (I won't tell you about my 8 tab Excel document I created for this trip. Ok I will, It has an itinerary along with plans made for each day, costs associated with each item, a list of restaurants on Moorea, my flight information, Maps of the various islands downloaded, THE packing list, a list of to-do-s before I leave and a list of various places I want to visit while on Moorea)

Another sign of my anal retentiveness is the large rubber-banded pile of envelopes that will also accompany me on my trip. I take a letter sized envelope for each set of papers or information I will need during my trip. I label and seal them and then put them in the order I will use them.  If you want a visual of this, let me know. I'll be filling envelopes in the next few weeks!!!

Can you tell I'm excited?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

More Excitement!!!!

I got my new camera today! I am so excited to try it out. It's a Canon PowerShot D30. It's waterproof, shockproof etc etc BUT best of all, you can use it underwater to a depth of 82 feet.

I plan on going to my sister's pool very soon and testing it out! Plus, I want to make sure my snorkel equipment is still is good working order.

Isn't it cute?

It fits nicely in my hand and isn't too heavy. Plus it seems really easy to use. (Not a lot of buttons for me to choose from)

It came with a bunch of accessories--several of which I have no clue what to do with. Also with a giant memory card--which will be great as I plan on taking some underwater movies.

I've debated with myself about whether or not to get a snorkel vest as I am a decent swimmer, but I've decided to get one. That way, I can float and concentrate on getting some nice pictures and deflate it when I want to go further under the water. I hate that they are so dorky looking, but I'll suffer to get some great pictures.

I may also look into take some fins. From what I've read about the tours, most of them don't offer them. Still thinking though--only limited space in the luggage for a 22 day trip.  One suitcase (weighing less than 50 pounds), one shoulder bag and a backpack. For the cruise, I will need 'dinner' clothes as I enjoy eating in the dining room. I know I will be using the ship's laundry services at least twice and doing some hand-washing in the sink.

I can now say, in less than one month, I will be leaving!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Different Kind of Wealth

I'm rich, I'm rich!!! Actually, not so much. I ordered this money so I wouldn't have to mess with an ATM at 5:30am after a very long 24 hours of travel. This way I can pay the cab driver and hopefully get something to eat.
In reality, 10,000.00 XPF is about $100.
And today's count is 35!!!! That's right, only 35 more days until I leave for Tahiti!!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The count is under 40!

In just 39 days my adventure begins. I am beyond excited. I have started gathering items I will be taking and created a "vacation pile" in the den.  It should be interesting to see if I can fit the major portion of my stuff into one suitcase, weighing less than 50 pounds.

Friday, August 14, 2015


I just got back from a wonderful evening out. Two of my very good friends offered to take me out to dinner tonight! We met about 5pm and pretty much closed the restaurant down. It was so nice enjoying a wonderful meal with my friends, but more than that, the opportunity to catch up with each other. We talked and laughed and talked some more and finally realized we were the next to last people in the place.

Driving home, I realized I don't have a 'ton' of friends, but the ones I do have are priceless! I am truly blessed with riches worth more than any amount of money.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect!

I spent today with my good friend, Linda, at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware practicing beach lounging techniques for my upcoming trip!

Sand, Sun & Sea. Life doesn't get any better.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


In a moment of weakness, I bought sugar cookies from the bakery at the grocery store. They looked delicious. Then I ate one and it wasn't worth the calories. Sigh.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

So excited, my new water shoes came today!!!

I got these amazing shoes from Land's End!  Not only are they cool MaryJane's, they have very nice water shoe features. Little drainage holes inside that drain out the little holes in the soles. They are super comfortable and I think they can pass as regular shoes!

It's amazing how happy this made me feel today!!!!

And only 51 days until I leave for my TAHITIAN adventure!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Cleaning......mentally, physically, spiritually

I was dreading doing this... I kept putting it off until that was no longer an option. I am cleaning out a bedroom upstairs before I start painting and rather than feeling "Ugh, I hate cleaning", I found I was feeling lighter as I filled each trash bag. Clutter is not a good thing in any room or in any mind.

And speaking of minds, I've been doing a lot of Mental & Spiritual De-cluttering--I've been trying to clear my mind of negative thoughts and keep repeating a sort of mantra: "This is just a small chapter in your life. Make the best of it and move on." Each time I tell myself that, I feel a little bit better and a little bit stronger.

That's not to say, I've not indulged in a bit of wallowing. I have. I think I am entitled. But I am certainly not dwelling in that unhappy state. I am making a plan and moving forward. And I remind myself at least once a day of all that I have to be thankful for. And the list is very long and for that I am so grateful.

And finally, People. That De-cluttering is taking care of itself. It's sort of surprising to me the number of people that act as though I am now dead. People I truly believed cared for me but who have not contacted me in a month. Friends and Family Members both. It is hurtful, but only makes me love the friends and family that remain there for me even more.

That is all I'm going to say about recent life events.