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Friday, September 16, 2016

Sea Days 2, 3, 4

Not a whole lot to report on sea days.
This is pretty much the ways the days have gone:

I showered and made my way up to the Lido deck and got a large Iced Tea. I headed out to Serenity and really lucked out. A clam shell lounger facing the aft was open. I set down my backpack and drink and went to get a towel and blanket. Yep—the air is still chilly.

I looked at the map showing the ship’s position and we continue to move in a south western direction. Probably more west than south though. We appear to be parallel to San Francisco. The Captain came on a little while ago and said the ocean depth is about 7000 feet.

I am surprised at how calm the seas are (I hope I don’t jinx us by saying that). We are told the swells are about 2-3 feet.  From my perch on the Lido they look like small ripples. The ship rocks very gently. It’s so relaxing.

The ocean is that dark blue color that is indicative of really deep water. It’s gorgeous. I have not seen fish of any kind leaping from the water. I hope we will maybe see some whales along the way.

Once again, there is quite a bit going on all over the ship but I am choosing to spend my time out here on the deck just reading and watching the ocean.

New day, more of the same. I’ve read 3 books now and watched that deep blue ocean for hours.  A clamshell lounger, all mine again! I’m not sure I’ll be able to cruise without one in the future. They just feel like the epitome of luxury. 

Dinner was a semi-formal night. Of course, I had the lobster! As usual it was very tasty.  Plans to go to the comedy club were thwarted by the presence of the comfy bed when I went back to change clothes. All this relaxation is tiring!

Another new day and it’s fairly warm outside. Shorts and flip flops for sure. I’m once again chilling in Serenity. I did spend some time in a lounge chair in the sun, but wisely moved to the shade after an hour. The lily whiteness of my legs is about blinding.

Truly enjoying these sea days and I can honestly say, tension? What is tension? The biggest decisions I need to make are what to eat and when. It’s about 3:30pm here and still gorgeous. The seas are still fairly smooth.

I have been hearing people complain about the stupidest things and I am tempted to speak up, but have wisely been keeping my mouth shut. I sometimes wonder, when I was not the happy sunshine filled ball of happiness I am now if I sounded that way. God, I hope not

I expect I will have a lot more to talk about once we reach Hawaii and I am on excursions every day. For whatever reason, I’ve chosen to remain solitary on this cruise and enjoy my ‘me’ time. It’s been restful and restorative both.  

I’ve yet to make it to afternoon tea. I think I only have one more day to attend that.

A Clamshell lounger opened up and I am all comfy as I finish writing this post. I'm debating on whether or not I want to go to dinner tonight. I'm not really hungry. But the faint inner voice I've been hearing is getting a bit louder and I keep hearing the words "Casino"!!! We shall see.,.....

Tomorrow is our last sea day and I am determined to be up fairly early and walking around the track on the top deck. (Don't laugh too hard, it could happen)

ta-ta from the Carnival Legend, home of Champagne Kisses and Sweet Dreams.. or something like that.  

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