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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Only 4 more work days!

Less than a week until I leave and I do have a bunch of things to finish before I can leave. However, with having to keep the house is perfect order all the time it's starting to become a slight problem. I can't really start accumulating anything for the suitcase because I can't leave it laying around. UGH

So, in my normal anal retentive fashion, I did the next best thing. I created a new tab in "the spreadsheet" and listed all the outfits I am wearing for dinner each night on the ship, Then 'play' clothes, casual clothes, sleepwear, etc. I am not packing heavy for a few reasons:
1. I have to lug the suitcase off and on the train and through airports and cruise terminals.
2. Because of my status with the cruise line, I get 3 bags of wash and fold service for free.
3. I've planned my outfits to allow for quite a bit of mix and matching for my dinnerwear.
So, between washing and mix and match, I will be good to go!

I had really high hopes for accomplishing a bunch of things this weekend. So far, nothing. And tomorrow isn't looking good either.

I was up fairly early this morning (8:30) but just could not get motivated, despite two cups of coffee. I just straightened up and read. Before I knew it, it was time for me to get out of the house because there were two showings scheduled.  (I've had 4 so far.) So off I went to run  some errands. I came back to the house after the appointed time but there were people still there. I stopped the car a few houses down and waited. After about five minutes the front door opens and these boys spill out of my house, pushing and shoving each other and just generally making a lot of noise and throwing the car keys around. Typical kid stuff.
But all I am thinking is:
1. They better not have been acting up in my house.
2. They will destroy this house in a matter of weeks if they buy it.
3. I need to buy more Clorox wipes.

The germaphobe in me is on high alert and I hope I don't have to have many more showings. I don't know if I can take it. Seriously, after the first one, I came home and I swear my house had 'other people' smell. And I've been obsessing about people touching my stuff.  I try not to think about it too hard, but there it is. So, I walk around my house wiping off doorknobs and light switches with Clorox wipes. I can't even entertain the thought of people sitting on my furniture or (gasp) my bed, or using my bathroom or I will go completely crazy.

Anyway, after that grueling day, I decided to read again and knew as soon as I got comfy on the couch, it was nap time. So nap I did. It is the most awesome sensation to be laying down, just feeling the breeze coming through the open windows and washing over you. I think I was out in about 2 minutes.

Now, it is 1:42am and I am wide awake. But I still think the nap was worth it! I don't get to do that very often.

So back to the upcoming vacation. I just found out on the Roll Call on Cruise Critic that we will be having a guest lecturer as this is what the cruise line is calling a "Journey". The wife of the man that was hired has joined the Roll Call and it sounds like we will have some very informative and funny lectures we can attend. I am looking forward to several of them.  There will be one on celestial navigation. I am hoping we will have excellent star gazing in the middle of the Pacific Ocean!

I also hope the Volcano is still erupting when we get to Hawaii (The Big Island). I was going to do a helicopter ride in this port but opted instead for a land tour to see more of the island. I hope the ship will pass by the lava flow into the ocean at night so we can see that.

It's now 2am and I think I will try to sleep.

Hope you all are enjoying a long weekend!

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