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Saturday, April 4, 2020

Self-Isolation - Day 23

And a lovely good day to you all. It's day 23 of self-isolation for me and I feel like I'm doing pretty well. The fact that I work from home gives structure to my days and forces me out of my comfy bed and I am signing on by 7 or 7:30am.

I have to give a big shout out to Anthem, the company where I work. They were so responsive to the crisis and their employee's needs  Our leadership teams are doing a great job of keeping us informed regarding what is going on in our company. They hold regular, short, meetings via telephone with us and inform us of how we, the employees, are overcoming challenges to provide our members with uninterrupted service and how we regularly go above and beyond to ensure the safety and health of our members.

I am proud of us and feel so grateful to work for a company that has it's members and employees best interests in mind!!!

Ok now onto more 'light-hearted' updates

I came across this image and it just made me laugh: Gotta love Snoop---if you haven't ever googled his videos where he narrates wildlife films, make-up tutorials, NEED to.  I promise you will laugh!
OKay, here is one of his videos:

In other news.........and no this is not fake news.................
  • A 100 mph car chase near Seattle, Washington, Sunday ended when cops used spike strips to disable the vehicle and found a dog behind the wheel
  • The pit bull's 51-year-old owner, who was arrested for the incident, claimed to Washington State troopers that he was teaching the dog to drive 
  • During the pursuit, troopers were shocked to see the animal in the driver's seat and its owner steering and pushing the gas pedal from the passenger side.
  • The man, who is from Lakewood and was not identified, was allegedly under the influence of drugs and taken into custody
  • The incident unfolded Sunday afternoon after police received calls about a driver hitting two vehicles in an area south of Seattle and then speeding away,
  • Axtman said the emergency services subsequently got multiple calls about a car traveling erratically at more than 100 miles per hour.

And in some corona virus related news:
Our 'esteemed' governor has finally agreed to a safer at home initiative---kinda late in the game, don't ya think?  I have never trusted him. The main reason, his squinty eyes--among other things. I mean look at this:

But the order is now in place...........except.............this:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had issued a state-wide stay-at-home order, but its list of “essential” businesses that are exempt from the order has noticeably included “religious services conducted in churches, synagogues and houses of worship.” This comes out just days after megachurch pastor and vocal Trump-supported Rodney Howard-Browne was arrested for willfully violating social distancing orders and encouraging his congregation to do the same.

This is just insanity. The mentality of the covidiots--in politics, religion and general life is enough to almost make me want to get out there and personally knock these people upside the head.  Between this crap and the governor of Georgia saying he wasn't aware the virus could spread if you didn't have symptoms................God help us all.

And in my neighborhood, covidiocracy continues to be a part of my world. (I love that word by the way--I think it should be added to the dictionary)  We are on a state-wide stay at home order. What does my neighbor do? Well, his 'buddies' called and wanted him to go play basketball and golf. Basketball because the guy is like 6' 8" or so--maybe he thinks the virus doesn't rise that high? Anyway, the man is said to be highly educated, with like 8 Master's Degrees, and he GOES and plays with with these people and returns home late that evening.

First of all, if he doesn't care if he gets the virus, fine, But what about the person he lives with? I have news for him. LIFE is NOT all about what HE wants to do. The next time I see him, I am going to be tempted to climb up a step ladder and slap his face!   And now, I don't feel comfortable even being outside, 6 feet away from the person he lives with because I'm sure his germs are all over the place now.  ARghhhhh!

Here is one thing I have not missed: The season here in Florida known as pollination. Being indoors does have the one benefit! Last year, my eyes itched so bad, I felt like if I could just run a razor blade over the bottom edge of my eyelid, I would feel better.  I used a ton of allergy eye drops and was thankful I had daily wear contacts so I could put an uncontaminated pair in every morning!

The nasal symptoms were relieved, somewhat, by using a Neti-Pot. An item I highly recommend when life returns to its new normal.  I found one on Amazon that has a built in water filter so I don't have to worry about brain eating amoeba.  (still cannot believe that's a thing-------and I have not heard about a case of that in years.................nor have I heard anymore about flesh eating bacteria. What happened to that stuff ? Is it still happening? Why are we not reading about it?)  Ok, got sidetracked a bit.

This is for real.
You know what this is? It's a POLLEN Cloud. It happened when they cut a tree down. Here is a link to the video:   

I miss being able to go see the orchestra. I will leave you with a video I came across on You Tube and it is fabulous!!!! Ravel's Bolero, played by individual members of France's orchestra and then woven together to this amazing sound:

Of course, the actual piece of music is about 17 minutes--so if you would like to listen to the entire thing, you can by clicking this link!

Stay happy, stay safe and stay home!   I'm off to paint the living room!

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