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Saturday, April 1, 2017

I am Beginning to Loathe the Color Gray

Ever since my Phoenix living daughter visited me in January and uttered the words that are stuck in my mind: "It's so gray here. I don't know how you stand it," I have been noticing how gray it really is.

I know I've known this on many levels for years and years now--hence my mentioning the need for a light box to cure my depression every winter. But for some reason, I have always associated it with the shorter days.

Now, the days are once again getting longer, but IT IS STILL VERY GRAY here.  Hmmm. Maybe it isn't the length of the days but the amount of sunshine per day that makes the difference?

I went to the NCOA website and found a chart that listed the percentage of sunny days per year:
Arizona 85%
PA  52%

We are in a similar category to places like Seattle, Lansing MI, Syracuse NY. Why are we living in such a Vitamin D deficient place? The entire population of the state should be on anti-depressants or massive doses of Vitamin D.

I really need to move to Florida or Hawaii (I also need to live near the ocean to be totally happy.)

In the interim, I am asking for a test of my Vitamin D level when I go for my yearly check-up next week and I will temporarily be relocating to a cruise ship and sailing around the Caribbean for 8 nights soon to try and remedy this most depressing situation!

I'll keep you posted about my warm** and sunny state of mind while I am gone!

**Warm is another story entirely. But a brief summary: In addition to the need for sun, I am suddenly unable to keep warm. And I mean, I have a sweater and an oversized heating pad at work that are used almost every day. At home, I wear socks and mukluk booties, sweaters and keep a space heater near my feet at all times.

Normal woman thing you say? Wrong, my friend. Until about 6 months ago, I was a menopausal, hot flashing mess. I'm talking short sleeves, year round, nothing but a sheet covering me in bed, regular bouts of feeling so hot, I probably could have de-iced the sidewalks in front of my house.

Now? My new car has seat warmers and I have used them EVERY DAY since I bought the car and I carry gloves with me at all times.

So there you have it, I'm now a Gypsy on a mission to find warmth and sunshine!

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